

Abe Kanan was born and raised on the south side of Chicago and grew up hanging out at Metro, Aragon, Riv, and all of Chicago’s music venues, checking...Full Bio


Let's All Go to the Dark Web - ATS - 5.8.28

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today's show. However, if you're looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Well we've reached hump day once more and Angi has yet to complain about something going wrong with her body which I think is bordering on a world record and I for one am sho... (reads rest of note...oh godd....) Right, you know the drill by now, crank up the Sarah McLachlan, light one of those prayer candles and strap in because this one is an absolute doozy. So Angi started this dip into the calm cooling waters of insanity by asking if anyone knows how to get on the dark web. Obviously, we all pretty much expected to hear that she was finally looking for a hitman to get rid of Jay the Straight for (insert her reason for being mad/crazy) but no, her needs were even great. Normally, I save my sigh/dramatic pause/disgust for my call but it should be noted I'm doing it as I type these notes. Angi wants to go on the dark web so she can buy body parts. Well actually, stuff found in body parts or for the sake of not dragging out a tease, the woman is desperately seeking cartilage. Apparently, her joints are cracking so much, you would think there is a karate class occurring any time she enters the room. She needs someone to grease the 5th wheel as she is now a combination of Iron Man, the Iron Curtain and the Iron Lady. This Miami Sound Machine meets Nine Inch Nails on a broken keyboard sound invasion began occurring when Angi started doing daily yoga. Though she doesn't want to stop because her body is old and needs to move, everything is rubbing harder and it's essentially bone on bone. While pondering if they sold cartilage like they do box wine at Liquor Barn, Marris mentioned that it can be regrown using cells. Angi just assumed it was regrown on a farm (and I assumed maybe iHeart won't let her come back from her London trip.) After that, the most educated (see: stupid) show in the morning did a Google search to figure out how many joints our bodies have so Angi could complain with a specific number. Angi is most upset about the fact that she used to be nimble and bendy (in 1938) and now every time she bends over, it sounds like the 4th of July. Apparently these joints all go at once (what a waste of a show) from her neck to her pinky toe. So not only is her brain broken but now the rest of her is as well (big sad.) Also in her dark web shopping cart is a new liver and since she was feeling generous, she offered to buy Marris some new kneecaps. I think this is where we should add that Angi and Marris took a trip to QC Kinetix this week and while there, she didn't even bother to ask why her body sounds like someone walking across an old wooden floor whenever she bends over. She was apparently embarrassed by her ailment that she's complaining about on the radio because they were busy helping real people with real problems. However, if she does end up finding the cartilage dealer on the dark web or off Craigslist, she needs to do her hips first, then her back and lastly her neck. Perhaps she can have a London or Paris surgeon investigate the issue while she is there if she isn't arrested before Friday for Googling "how do I get on the dark web to buy stuff?" over and over.

Other Stuff from Today's Show

With Angi's insanity firmly planted to sprout and grow into whatever her final tally of ailments will become, let's move on to the Daily Discussion Topic. Annoying neighbors, we all probably have one and if you're like Angi and myself, you experienced one this weekend. Now, we're not looking at the pigeon based neighbors for which Angi has had back to back though she swears she was not looking for them. Today's annoyance came in the form of the person who decided to fire up their uranium powered lawn tools on Sunday morning at 6:30 A.M. (mine started up theirs at 7:30 A.M. on Saturday.) Marris said though it varies in each neighborhood and area, the courtesy time tends to be 8 A.M. and then he went into board president mode. After explaining some of the various laws and how to deal with rule breakers, he suggested Angi call someone if it were to happen again. Her ire arose in the fact that she never gets to sleep in and we get up at 3/4/5 A.M. Like, if she can get a nights rest to last until 8 A.M., it is a miracle and she cherishes the ability to have that. Marris understood that all to well as he slept in until 9 A.M. this past Sunday (what a dream, seriously. Than again, I was in bed rotting and hungover all day Sunday.) Regardless, she did not figure out who the noisemaker was but it did inspire the topic for that reason. We wanted to hear about jerk neighbors and what they do that inspire you to hate them. Marris had one move out recently who was angry at him for having an amazing sound system and while no one else in the building took issue with him playing music or gaming loud, this one complained about the bass constantly. Marris, the good guy, felt bad about this but now that she moved, he can go wild. Angi felt that pain as she too has a nice sound system and of course, she has neighbors above her who complained that she made their dishes rattle when she played Beyoncé. Wouldn't it be nice if these people could mind their business? Since I'm a recluse shut in, I can't complain about neighbors so let's head to the Request Line. Courtney was up first and she had a dog to complain about that gets loose, into her yard and attacks her dog. Sam has two bad neighbors with one who has chickens that basically live in their house but when they roam, they end up in his yard. The other guy gets drunk in his yard and cries at 2 A.M. while singing "Somebody That I Used to Know." Angi automatically assumed the crybaby was Marris and I questioned myself if it was me but again, shut in. Alex's neighbor has a subwoofer and plays music until 3 or 4 in the morning (I'd murder.) Aiden lives on the second floor of an apartment and when he sits on the balcony, he has to deal with the smell of rotting trash from the people under him who throw theirs on their balcony and also love to have screaming matches. Marris had a neighbor who was a garbage tosser that would always end up missing. Tony has a neighbor with four (lordy) boys under 8 who love to set off car alarms and then there's the husky that gets loose and poops in his yard. Matt has a neighbor with four dogs (lots of dogs eh) that crap in his front yard, on his sidewalk and porch and the owner doesn't care. When confronted with video footage of this happening, he was called petty for recording it. Angi said to just leave the dog droppings and call 311 on them for rat food. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Next up, we got a followup call from Ali, the roadie who made up a good portion of yesterday's show. For those who missed it, she called to talk about her boyfriend God complex Jesus who tried to run her father over, threw trash on her parents lawn, gaslighted her and is all around a real piece of work. Angi convinced Ali that dumping him was for the best and after a little back and forth, we got her to call in today to give the roadies a follow up. We asked right off the bat if the dumping occurred but the answer seems to be mixed results. After she got off the call, she sent a text to the hopefully soon to be ex of 10 years and he took some time to respond. He called her a liar and because she chose to ignore him blowing up her phone, he blocked her. Well, not before he called her a bitch, said that she was crazy, playing games and walking around in circles (ah toxic men, just the best.) So he blocked her and has yet to unblock her so a dumping can not occur. Angi suggested she dump him but she explained that he is a ticking time bomb (her words and that is telling AF,) and that if she gave his number a boot, he would find a way to weasel his way back. He goes through the family so clearly this has occurred before and Angi said everyone needs to cut him off (and honestly she should probably get a restraining order.) Angi is proud but as Ali said, she is a sad, emotional person so this is hard. Obviously, breakups are hard and go day by day but it will get better. She also hasn't told her parents yet because she wants to make sure it sticks this time and the last time she did it, they got back together much to her parents' chagrin. I'm sure this is probably not the last we've heard of this story.

Finally, we had some nerd news which is technically good and bad. Superhero fatigue is definitely real and Marvel understands that (even if we're living in the incredible world of X-Men '97 atm.) Disney though is now going the less is more approach saying we will get 2 shows a year and 2-3 movies. Obviously, the initial deluge was meant to help push off Disney+ and with the pandemic occurring, people needed content. The issue was they went nuts and kept throwing things out for the sake and oversaturated. Expect more things like the Avengers and maybe a fix to Kang seeing as Jonathan Majors did all that stuff that made him no longer a viable person to play the character. Marris just hopes that they do the X-Men and Fantastic Four right and I swear, you could hear the bones cracking in Angi's body as she looked for what was left of her wet valley as Marris' nerd stuff dried her to the bone.

Request Wars 3.5

Theme: Cover vs. Cover Inception

Current Champion: Marris (2x)

Angi's Song Choice: “Come Together" by Godsmack

Marris' Song Choice: "Come Together" by Gary Clark Jr.

Winner: Marris

10 O' Clock Toast:

Toastee: Perrystead Dairy

Perrystead Dairy, a place in Philly, has installed a 24 self service cheese dispenser as blow to Wisconsin apparently. Marris wondered how it stays cold and there was a worry about rats but if you can get cheese, crackers, crispy stuff and chutney on demand, how amazing. Now if only there was a 24 hour wine dispenser.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

"Do they sell cartilage, can I get cartilage injections?" - Angi

"I'm cracked out, I'm a big crackhead." - Angi

"It's like the Dead Sea Scrolls would roll right out of here (if she took her bra off) and onto the floor." - Angi